Introduction to HTML and CSS
A fun and interactive website design class for kids ages 9-12
Designed by experts from

Introduction to HTML and CSS
Students will begin their adventure through web design by starting with the basics. By learning the programming language HTML kids will be able to create their own website filled with images, buttons and more and CSS will allow them to make it look exactly the way they want through styling.
This course introduces some of the basic concepts of proper web design while also giving kids the hard coding knowledge they need in order to implement it themselves.
Our Comittement
Certificate Provided.
Show everyone you did it!
#1 Coding Curriculum
Designed by UofT, Waterloo and Google experts.
100% Satisfaction
Our certified STEM teachers will help you find the right class.
Expert Teachers
Canadian certified teachers with 3+ years of experiences

Start your Web Design Journey

Ages 9-12
3-10 Students Per Class
Students will learn how to make their own website using the most popular web programming language to date, HTML. Alongside HTML they will be learning the HTML styling language, CSS, allowing them to design their webpage however they like. With handcrafted challenges made by our team, your kid will be performing assignments such as creating their own google!
This is a perfect way to introduce your kid to the challenges of creating their own code in a language that is utilized all over the world.
10 classes
1 hour per class

Introduction to web design using HTML and CSS